Respiratory Prescribing Strategy

The Quality Prescribing for Respiratory 2018 – 2021 was written by the Scottish Government, in partnership with NHS Scotland.

The strategy aims to promote high quality prescribing of medicines to treat asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and equally importantly, non-pharmaceutical approaches to management of these conditions. The document is aimed at Primary Care clinicians, Managed Clinical Networks and Board Medicines Management Teams and builds upon the previous 2014-16 strategy.

There were nearly 600,000 GP appointments relating to asthma or COPD last year. Respiratory medicines are the second most costly BNF chapter in Scotland, and although Boards have made significant progress in improving the quality and efficiency of care, further opportunities remain.

The full document can be viewed here.

A revised 2024-2027 Respiratory strategy has been produced and has been released as a Consultation.  The consultation is open until 31 October 2023 and can be found at: